Humor in Kenji's Stories
The Tale the Owl Told ("Down in the Wood")
The Musical Curing of Mice ("Gorsch the Cellist")
The Cat Who Has the Habit of Sleeping in the Oven
("The Cat Office")
Postcard from Wildcat ("Acorns and Wildcat")
The Raccoon Who had Never Washed his Face
and Wildcat, the Blessed Feline
("The Spider ,the Slug,and the Raccoon")
"Wolf Forest, Colander Forest, Thief Forest"
The Festival of the Mountain God
and the Wild Man of the Hills ("Night of the Festival")
"Taneli Certainly Seemed to Be Chewing All Day Long"
The General and the Three Physician Brothers
("General Son Ba-yu")
The World of Kenji's works
The World of Kenji Miyazawa