Q(9)I am interested to learn whether people view the stories as stories for children or not and why. Also, what writers do people see as similar to Kenji? I often think of ALICE and her other world as being similar to many of Kenji's other worlds. 1.あなたは賢治の物語を子供のための物語だと思うか、思わないか教えてください。またその理由は何でしょうか。 2.あなたが賢治に似ていると思う日本および外国の著述家は誰ですか。(University of Wisonsin-Madiで賢治を研究テーマにしている Heather Raabe さんより) A Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 m.kさん
Hi, this is Eiji again. Since my last appearance in this page, I have investigated into my library and now come up with an elaborated version.
May I skip the first question because it needs a lot of time. I may answer it later. To the second, I think Novalis of Germany has much in common as Kenji. Chastity, Stoicism, collection of rocks and minerals, fantasy writing, and above all, their discription is so gorgeous. I also agree your opinion that Alice's story is alike. It has been referred by many people. Especially, in Through the Looking Glass, there is a scene on a train and a conductor asked Alice for a ticket and she can't find it. It is said, Kenji read Alice and imitated it. I think so too. I do not have enough time now. I'll show up later.
I think that miyazawa's tail (maybe "fiction") should be read as for adult.For his story includes the view for all lifes (not only mankind ) and he wanted to lead us where he imagined,I think,in his sentenses. I declere he wrote the tales as for adult(esp.the leaders in those days).